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Local Dog Parks to Visit with Fido

September 15, 2015
Does your canine buddy like to explore? Man’s Best Friend can be both curious and a bit adventurous. Many dogs love to discover new sights and sounds. If you’re getting bored with your daily walks, why not change things up a bit and take Fido to a dog park? In this article, a local Savannah, GA vet from Westside Animal Hospital lists some of the nearby parks you can explore with your furry buddy.

Daffin Dog Park – 1198 Washington Ave, Parkside, Savannah, GA 31404

This 77-acre park offers several water stations, lots of trees, and an area just for Fido. There are also walking trails and many sports courts, and even a doggy pool!

Mother Matilda Beasley Park – 500 E Broad St, Savannah, GA 31401

This is another fun park to explore with your canine pal! This park offers a fenced area where Fido can play with his buddies.

Herty Pines Dog Park – 1198 Washington Ave, Savannah, GA, US 31405

This fully-fenced park offers a large common area, fountains, many trees, and cleaning stations. There are separate sections for big dogs and little dogs, so Fido can play with friends his own size.

Skidaway Island State Park – 52 Diamond Causeway, Savannah, GA 31411

Fido may really enjoy exploring this beautiful state park. You do need to keep your pet leashed, and make sure to abide by park rules. Some areas may be off-limits for your canine buddy.

Dog Park Etiquette

Before bringing Fido to a park, make sure that he is current on all of his vaccinations, as well as his parasite control products. You’ll also want to take a few moments to observe the dogs that are already on site. If you see rough play, canine bullying, or intact pooches, you may want to come back another day. We also recommend you avoid giving your canine buddy toys or treats while in the presence of other dogs. This could lead to quite a ruckus among Fido and his buddies! Also, remember to always bring water for your dog, and clean up after him before you leave. Last but not least, always abide by park rules and regulations. Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Does Fido need shots or an examination? We can help! Contact Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA veterinary clinic. We are here to serve all of your pet’s veterinary care needs.

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