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Formerly blind dog Duffy seeing the family after surgery

November 11, 2015
Via YouTube – Benjamin May This is my Irish Terrier Duffy. He’s a rescue dog and he’s had a lot of struggles with his health. He developed diabetes and lost his eyesight. With medication we got his diabetes stable and he qualified for eye surgery to give him back his sight. Here he is seeing my parents for the first time in months. [youtube url=”https://youtu.be/Og1nMDl1K7g”]

Senior Kitty Care

Have you observed your cat’s activity level decreasing recently? Cats have been cute and sweet

Celebrate Pet Chip Month

It’s National Chip Your Pet Month. If your pet hasn’t been chipped yet, we recommend

Heartworm Awareness Month: Encouraging Prevention for Happy Pets

April brings Heartworm Awareness Month, along with National Brunch, Pecan, and Poetry Months. While brunch
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