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Building Your Dog’s Emergency Kit

April 15, 2017
Emergencies are frightening for many reasons. One of them is that you just don’t know when something could happen! When it comes to your dog, one of the best things to do is assemble an emergency kit so that you’re prepared ahead of time. Below, learn what to include from a Savannah, GA veterinary professional:

First-Aid Essentials

Most of your pup’s kit will be comprised of first-aid supplies, which can be true lifesavers if your pet has an injury. Include gauze, bandages, a pet-safe disinfectant solution, medical tape, tweezers, scissors, nail trimmers made just for dogs, a styptic powder or pen, a pet thermometer, several soft towels, and a few pairs of latex gloves to protect your hands. Ask your veterinarian for further advice on the particular first-aid essentials that may benefit your dog in an emergency scenario.

Medical Records

Don’t forget to pack Fido’s medical records in a waterproof, sealable bag. If you have to take your dog to an unfamiliar vet’s office, animal shelter, or emergency facility, these documents can be extremely helpful to the staff there. Include your dog’s proof of vaccinations, records of any conditions he manages, documentation of recent procedures or surgeries, and proof of ownership. You may also want to include a recent photo of your dog.

Fido’s Meds

Does your pooch take medications on a regular basis to manage or treat a condition? It’s a good idea to pack a supply of these medications in your pet’s emergency kit—for one, you’ll always know where they are. Secondly, you just never know when you might need them! If your dog’s medications expire, check the expiration dates periodically to make sure the meds don’t need replaced.

Long-Term Supplies

You just never know when unforeseen circumstances, an evacuation, or a natural disaster could force you to stay away from your home for an extended period of time. For this reason, you may want to include a few long-term pet supplies in your emergency kit. This includes items like canned food, a can opener, a few bottles of water, a small dog bed and a few blankets, a spare leash and collar, and a brush. Would you like assistance assembling your pet’s emergency kit? Wondering about other supplies that may be helpful for your dog should something unfortunate occur? We’re here to help with all of your pet-care needs! Call your Savannah, GA animal hospital today.

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