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Dealing With Your Dog’s Shedding Problem

January 15, 2019
It’s a safe bet that your dog sheds fur. With the exception of a few breeds, most of our canine companions do! However, it is possible for your dog’s shedding to start to get out of control. Use these tips from Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA vet, to deal with your dog’s excessive shedding:

Diet Upgrade

Did you know that your dog’s diet has a lot to do with his coat quality? When Fido receives the proper nutrients through his food, the skin and fur stays healthy. It also keeps shedding at a minimum. On the other hand, when your dog isn’t getting the best nutrition, he’s likely to shed more. If you’ve seen more shedding out of your dog recently, consider upgrading his diet.


Brush your dog’s coat on a regular basis. Not only does it keep Fido looking his best, it’s a great way to minimize shedding. Brushing removes grime and dirt from the skin, traps loose fur in the brush itself so that it doesn’t fall all over your home, and spreads essential skin oils throughout the coat to keep it well-moisturized. What’s not to love?


The occasional bath can also do a lot to minimize your dog’s shedding. For one, bathing washes away much of your dog’s loose fur, collecting it in the drain. Bathing also keeps the skin and fur healthy, ultimately cutting back on shedding. Just make sure not to bathe your companion too frequently, as this can backfire by drying out the coat and resulting in more shedding, rather than less. Want a recommendation on a great canine-formulated shampoo for your dog? Contact your vet’s office for help.

Additional Hair Care

Some dogs may benefit from additional hair-care products, like conditioners or setting sprays, to help maximize coat health and keep shedding to a minimum. Ask your vet first, though, before trying out such products on your dog.

See Your Vet

There is a chance that medical issues are the root cause of your dog’s excessive shedding, especially if the shedding has just recently started to get noticeably worse. Parasitic infestation, skin infection, internal health issues, and more could be to blame! You’ll want to have your dog examined at the vet’s office if you can’t seem to get his shedding under control. Want more information on Fido’s coat-care routine? Contact Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA veterinary clinic, today!

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