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If Pets Had Thumbs Day

March 1, 2019
Did you know that there’s a really cute pet holiday coming up? March 3rd is If Pets Had Thumbs Day! There are of course many things that set us apart from our furry friends. However, one of the most crucial ones is something many of us don’t think about very often: our thumbs! What do you think your pet would do if he or she suddenly grew opposable thumbs? In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet offers a few educated guesses.

Raid The Fridge

It’s probably safe to say that the first thing on your dog’s agenda would be food. Fido may very well wolf down all the food in the house! Fluffy probably wouldn’t be too shy either, though she may be a bit fussier about her choices. Kitties may also remove all the labels from canned goods, because that’s something cats with thumbs would do.

Go For A Stroll

If our furry companions had thumbs, most of them would waste little time in getting outside. Fido may head straight for his favorite doggy park … after stopping to pick up some of his canine friends.

Reduce Competition

Dogs and cats can be the best of friends, but that isn’t always the case. Fluffy may lock Fido out of the house, or throw away his toys. Your canine buddy may also ‘accidentally’ lock his feline pal in a closet. Man’s Best Friend can be a bit jealous!

Go Through Everything

Fluffy and Fido are very curious, so it wouldn’t be very surprising to find them going through your personal belongings. Fluffy may very well empty out every drawer in the house and dump everything onto the floor, just out of sheer curiosity.

Scratch That Itch

One way your four-legged pal would put their thumbs to good use? Scratching those annoying itchy spots! Fluffy and Fido may also experiment with using various objects, like utensils, to get those pesky itches.

Adjust The Temperature

You may have noticed that our sleepy feline friends enjoy having warm spots to snuggle up in when they want to take a nap. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise to find Fluffy adjusting the thermostat in your house! All of us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA vet clinic, are dedicated to offering both great veterinary care and great customer service. Call us anytime!

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