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Returning Your Pet to a Healthy Weight

February 15, 2020
Is your pet looking a bit pudgy around the edges? Many of our cats and dogs are overweight. If you think your pet could stand to lose a few pounds, it’s important to take quick action. Learn what to do below from a Savannah, GA veterinarian.

See Your Vet

First things first—make an appointment to have your pet examined at the vet’s office. Your veterinarian can tell you, first of all, whether or not your pet is actually obese. Then, you’ll work together to create a tailored weight-loss plan. It’s far safer to approach the problem this way rather than changing your pet’s diet and routine yourself!

Adjust the Portion Size

It’s likely that your pet will need an adjustment in their portion size. Over-feeding is a leading cause of obesity in pets! Never free-feed your companion, which means leaving food out at all times for your pet to munch on as they wish. Instead, ask your veterinarian about the right serving size for your animal friend. Measure out the food during mealtimes, and remove uneaten food after about 20 minutes or so.

Feed a High-Quality Diet

If your companion is receiving a “budget” food that contains a lot of empty calories, it’s not helping them keep the excess weight off. Upgrade your pet’s diet to a premium food that suits their age, size, and breed. Then and only then will they receive all of the essential nutrients for good health while preventing obesity at the same time.

Exercise Your Pet Regularly

No weight-loss plan is complete without exercise. Get your pet moving on a regular basis in order to help them burn off that excess body fat and get back to a healthy size. Take quick walks through your neighborhood, or play indoors with a favorite toy. However you do it, make sure your pet gets sustained physical activity per day, several times a day. Your pet will thank you!

Tips on Treats

When feeding your pet treats, keep it to a minimum. Offering too many at once is only packing on the excess calories. And make sure you don’t give your pet a lot of fatty table scraps at dinnertime, as this can lead to obesity and even cause a deadly case of acute pancreatitis if your pet eats too much at once! Call your Savannah, GA animal hospital to get started on your pet’s weight-loss journey.

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