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Halloween With Fido

October 1, 2020
Halloween is just around the corner! It’s always fun to enjoy some seasonal treats and outfits. Don’t forget about your canine pal! You may want to take some precautions to keep Fido happy, healthy, and safe. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet offers some tips on celebrating the autumn holiday with dogs. 


Dogs are always cute, so it can be hard to resist putting them in costumes. Fido makes a pretty adorable dinosaur! (He’s also been a taco, a spider, and pirate.) Just keep your pup’s safety in mind. Don’t put your canine pal in anything that is tight, hot, itchy, or restricting. Items with zippers and/or small parts are also best avoided. Finally, don’t force your furry pal to wear clothes if he seems uncomfortable in them. Your pooch will still be adorable in something less obtrusive, like a bow tie or bandana. 


Those sweet treats may contain things like chocolate, nuts, raisins, and xylitol, all of which are toxic to pets. Keep that candy dish out of paws’ reach!


Keep Fido in mind when hanging decorations. Dogs like to investigate things by, well, eating them. Anything with small or sharp parts is a choking hazard. Items with dangling strings or threads and anything that could break into small pieces are also unsafe. You’ll also want to keep anything that runs on batteries or power cords away from your pup. Candles are also a concern.


Although you may not get as many visitors as usual this year, you may still have some. If your dog tends to get excited whenever the doorbell rings, you may want to put him in a quiet back room. Give him toys and treats, and turn a radio or TV on for him.

Yard Patrol

Fido could get frightened and/or agitated by a steady stream of costumed visitors. There’s also a chance that someone could give your furry friend something that isn’t safe for him. If your canine companion has a yard to patrol, bring him in before dark on Halloween. 


Two things that are right up Fido’s alleys: tricks and treats! Get your pooch some yummy snacks, and have him work for his goodies. Roll Over will never stop being cute. As your Savannah, GA vet clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Please feel free to contact us anytime.

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