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Take a Hike Day

November 15, 2020
November 17th is a pretty popular day among our canine friends. It’s Take A Hike Day! Man’s Best Friend loves adventures, and he’s often more than happy to accompany his human buddies in checking out new spots and trails. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet offers some advice on hiking with Fido. 


Does your canine pal know basic obedience commands, like Sit, Stay, Heel, Come, and Lay Down? If not, take time to train him before you go hiking. You don’t want him running off if you drop the leash!

Vet Check

While most dogs love exploring new places, strenuous hikes aren’t safe for all of them. Before heading out to a trail, make sure that Fido has the all-clear from his vet. Your pooch should also be fixed, microchipped, and wearing ID tags. He should be up to date on all of his vaccines and parasite control as well. 


You’ll need to bring a bag along for your furry friend. Fido will need treats, a leash and tie-out line, waste baggies, and a first-aid kit. You may also want to bring a bandana along. If your pup gets hot, you can soak it in water and hang it around his neck to help cool him off. Bigger dogs may be able to carry their own gear in a doggy backpack. 


Don’t forget that Fido has a bit of a knack for mischief. Keep your pup on a leash at all times, and don’t let him poke around in areas that could be housing wild animals. Also, stay away from things like steep drops. Better safe than sorry! 


Be sure to bring plenty of water along for your canine buddy. You may want to get a portable doggy water bottle with an attached dispenser. Collapsible dishes are also great on the trail, as they are lightweight and easy to carry. Try not to let Fido approach or drink from streams or ponds. In some places, there could be gators or snakes lurking. Plus, the water may not be safe! 


Keep a close eye on Fido, and be careful not to overexert him. If your four-legged friend seems tired, stop and give him time to catch his breath.  Please contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA pet hospital, anytime. We are here to help!

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