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Hurricane Prep For Pet Owners

August 16, 2022
Summer is winding down … and hurricane season is ramping up. While it’s good that we can see hurricanes coming, unlike tornadoes or earthquakes, you still don’t want to leave all your preparations to the last minute. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a local Savannah, GA vet lists a few things that you can do before that ominous blob pops up on the evening weather forecast.

Stock Up

If you wait until a storm is bearing down on us, you may find it harder to get supplies as there may be a run on essentials, including pet food. We recommend keeping at least a few weeks worth of food and water on hand at all times. If your furry pal is on medication, you’ll want to stock up on that as well.

Wellness Care

Is your four-legged buddy due for an exam, vaccinations, or parasite control? Get that taken care of ASAP. In an emergency, the last thing you want to worry about is your pet contracting parasites or diseases. If you were to need to evacuate to a shelter or hotel, you’d likely need to provide proof of that paperwork before being allowed to bring your animal companion in. (Tip: keep hard copies of this paperwork in your car and/or your pet’s travel kit. You may also want to upload them somewhere, so you can always access digital versions if need be.)

Emergency Bag

Get a travel kit ready for your furry bff. Dogs will need dishes, a leash, collar or harness, and tie line, waste baggies, toys, and a muzzle, which some shelters may require. Fluffy should have a litterbox, toys, and a bed. Smaller animals will need food, bedding, a spare water bottle, and toys. Treats and first-aid kits are universal musts.


This one of course only applies to dogs. Make sure Fido knows basic commands, like Sit, Stay, and Lay Down. This could save his life one day!

Microchip/ID Tags

Last but certainly not least, make sure your pet is microchipped and wearing ID tags. You’ll also need to check and make sure your information is correct in the chipmaker’s database. If you want to go a step further, get your furry friend a GPS-equipped collar. Does your pet need an exam, microchipping, or parasite control? Contact Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA pet hospital, today!

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