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5 Purrfect Reasons To Adopt A Rescue Cat

March 1, 2023

March is Adopt A Rescue Cat Month! This is one cause that we’re happy to support. We think everyone deserves a second chance at happiness … especially all of those sweet homeless cats out there who just want someone to love them. A vet lists some reasons to adopt a rescue kitty in this article from Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA animal clinic.

Kindness Matters

While many cats are beloved family pets, that unfortunately isn’t the case for every cat out there. Animals often find themselves in shelters through no fault of their own, and may only have a limited time to get adopted. Giving one lucky kitty a second chance is a beautiful act of kindness. That’s good for both your own well-being and the planet in general! 

Cats Are ‘Pawesome’

We really can’t help but sing Fluffy’s praises a bit. Cats are not only super cute, they’re also fun, loving, cuddly, charming, and, of course, hilarious. Our feline pals are also very easy keepers. Your kitty will clean herself, doesn’t need walks or training, and spends a rather ridiculous amount of time sleeping.

Helping Kitties Feels Great

Adopting a rescue cat can be very rewarding! If you’re an animal lover, you may wish that you could do something to help every animal in need. That’s a tall order for any one person, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference. Every animal deserves to be treated with dignity, love and respect. 

Unconditional Love

We may sometimes like to laugh and joke about how Fluffy is a cold-hearted killer. However, at the end of the day, our furry friends are very emotional, and really just want to feel loved. Kitties are definitely super appreciative of the TLC, care, and cat food we offer them. They also tend to be extremely loving and affectionate to those who help them.

Purrs And Cuddles

Speaking of kitty affection, if cats are good at anything, aside from sleeping, it’s snuggling. As it turns out, those soothing purrs actually have some special healing properties. Fluffy purrs at frequencies between 25 and 150 Hertz. Those same frequencies promote tissue healing: In fact, they are used in physical therapy. What’s not to love?

Do you have any questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA animal clinic, today!



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