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Summer Senior Pet Care

June 1, 2023

Is your furry friend in their golden years? Fido and Fluffy may enjoy relaxing in the sun, but you’ll need to pay close attention to them over the next few months. This time of year can be dangerous to all animals, but it’s particularly hard on seniors. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet discusses keeping older dogs and cats cool and comfy in the summer.


First and foremost, make sure that your furry pal always has cool, clean water. You may need to set out extra water stations, particularly if you have a large house, more than one pet, and/or multiple floors. Add a few ice cubes to Fido and Fluffy’s water bowls on hot days.


Try to walk and play with Fido in the mornings or evenings, when it’s cooler out. If your canine buddy likes to hang out in the yard, make sure he has shade and water outdoors, and keep him in during the hottest part of the day. (Fluffy will figure out her own kitty schedule.)

Cool Digs

Your four-legged buddy should always have a cool, comfy spot to go to. Point a fan at or over your pet’s favorite bed or napping spot. Just make sure they can’t knock it over onto themselves! You can also look into cooling pads. For a DIY option, keep a few clean towels in the freezer, and add them to Fido and Fluffy’s beds.

Cold Treats

Pets often enjoy frozen snacks just as much as we do. You can buy ice cream just for Fido and Fluffy in many pet stores and grocery markets. Don’t share yours, though. Human treats have too much fat and sugar for pets, and may contain things that aren’t safe for them, such as chocolate chips or xylitol.


Proper grooming can also go a long way toward keeping furry seniors comfy. Dead fur and dander can make Fido and Fluffy’s coats really hot and itchy. This will be extra helpful with kitties, as older cats sometimes have trouble grooming themselves. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Take care not to overexert pets when it’s hot out. Instead of a brisk stroll, just take Fido for a relaxing walk around the block.

Please feel free to contact Westside Animal Hospital, your local Savannah, GA veterinary clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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