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Purrfect Reasons to Play With Your Cat

August 15, 2024

Is your feline friend really playful? Fluffy’s cheeky nature is one of the many reasons she’s such a wonderful pet. It turns out that playing with your furry friend on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for her! In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Pooler, GA vet explains why.

Playing Is Good For Fluffy

Playing is not only fun for Fluffy: it’s also really good for her. For one thing, it keeps her physically active. That’s important, purrticularly as your furry pal ages. Kitties get very, very tired in their golden years. This is very cute, but isn’t exactly good for their waistlines!

Playtime also offers cognitive stimulation and amusement. Both of these are critical for your kitty’s health and well-being. Cats can become sad and distressed if they are bored. This can cause behavioral difficulties. It can even produce physical problems, such as excessive grooming or undereating.

Another benefit of playing is that it allows your feline friend to unleash her inner lioness. Cats are instinctive hunters. To survive in the wild, they would need to rely on their hunting skills. Fluffy has a strong innate desire to ‘purrfect’ her pouncing, scratching, and biting abilities. Play allows her to unleash her violent inclination and let her inner lioness out.

It’s also good for bonding. When you make an effort to hold that wand toy or laser pointer for your feline pal, she will understand that you are trying to help her and make her happy. That will undoubtedly earn you some purrs!

Finally, playing can help scared kitties feel more confident. A timid cat can benefit greatly from nailing a successful run/jump/roll/pounce/meow/tail lash combo. Consider this the feline version of a shy child scoring a goal.

Playing With Your Cat Makes Them Happier

In addition to the benefits listed above, Fluffy just flat-out likes playing. Enjoyment and enrichment are both essential for both our happiness and health and our pets’. Playing will also help your feline companion feel cherished and loved, which is also important.

Those play sessions may be beneficial to you, too. Interacting with Fluffy can lower your blood pressure while also relieving tension and anxiety. It also helps us giggle, which is naturally beneficial to our mental and emotional wellness.

Kitties Are Hilarious

Playing with your pet can be as fun for you as it is for her! Some of Fluffy’s ridiculous actions are difficult—if not impossible—not to giggle at. Kitties are always adorable, but they are especially entertaining when they are playing!

That frisky nature is built-in. Fluffy is both predator and prey in the wild. This results in an intriguing blend of confidence and timidity. 

In other words, your feline companion may be really brave when it comes to guarding you from that moth in the living room, but may flee in fright if you unintentionally bang a pot while cooking.

How Often Should I Play With My Cat?

We encourage playing with Fluffy on a daily basis. This does not have to take a lot of time. Even a few minutes a day will be useful. One simple approach to include this is to put a few cat toys around your favorite chair or sofa. Simply grab them as you watch TV or relax.

What Should I Not Do While Playing With My Cat?

Playing with your feline companion isn’t difficult, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • If you use a laser pointer, avoid pointing it directly into your cat’s eyes. That could hurt her vision!
  • Do not play with dangerous objects. This includes everything small or pointy, ropy or stringy, plastic bags and knots, and similar items. Stick to real cat toys.
  • If you’re using a wand or string toy, put it away after you’re done. If your pet tries to use it while you’re away, she may get tangled up, which could be hazardous for her!
  • Last but not least, if you have more than one kitty, be careful not to pick favorites. Our feline pals can become extremely jealous of one another!

When Is the Best Time to Play with My Cat?

There are no hard and fast rules in this situation. Any moment you are at home and your feline friend is awake is acceptable! That being said, if your furry friend is really energetic, you might wish to play with her before going to bed. The idea here is that Fluffy will exhaust herself. We probably do not need to explain to you what occurs when cats grow sleepy. (Hint: naptime!) If your animal friend is tired out, she will be more likely to snuggle up with you for the night rather than batting her favorite toys down the hall or pouncing on your ankles while you are trying to sleep.

Why Does My Cat Attack Me?

One of the many intriguing aspects about cats? They sometimes display affection by biting or clawing humans. They also have no qualms about using us as cat toys to perfect their lioning talents. This can be sweet, but it can also result in inappropriate behavior.

It is critical to distinguish between lighthearted attacks and angry outbursts. Fluffy is most likely to bite softly if she is just playing. She may also pause her attack to lick you, or simply act a bit foolish. Angry cats may hiss or growl without holding back. (Note that Fluffy reserves the right to flip between the two at any time, with little or no provocation or warning.)

If your kitty companion attacks, tell her ‘No’ or ‘Be polite.’ Then simply walk away and ignore her. This should effectively convey the message. If your cat continues to misbehave or exhibits aggressive behavior, get guidance from your Pooler, GA  veterinarian.

When Should I Quit Playing with My Cat?

That is all up to you and your feline companion. Actually, it’s really up to Fluffy. When Fluffy has had enough, she will stop playing and simply walk away.

That is one of the numerous distinctions between cats and dogs. Fido will push himself to the limit to satisfy his owners. Fluffy, on the other hand, will not even strain herself to the point of becoming somewhat weary.

There is one condition, though: if your cat assaults you, you should stop playing. That is poor manners and may result in risky behavior in the future! Don’t yell at her; it may only make her fearful of you. Tell your fiery pet to ‘Play nice’ before walking away and ignoring her for a while.

What Toys Do Cats Like?

That varies from kitty to kitten. Some people enjoy pursuing that elusive red dot with the laser pointer. Others prefer to bat at smaller balls. And then there are those who are quite fine smacking a bottle cap or ice cube around. Experiment with various options to determine what your pet prefers. If you have more than one cat, provide a variety: your adorable kitties may have various preferences.

Make An Appointment At Your Pet Clinic

Have you got any questions or concerns concerning your cat’s health or care? Contact us today at Westside Animal Hospital. As your Pooler, GA, animal clinic, we’re ready to assist!

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