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Things Cats Don’t Care About 

November 1, 2024

Does your kitty transform into a furry, meowing little diva when you’re late with her breakfast… or her second, third, or even fourth breakfasts? Does Fluffy tend to be a little opinionated when it comes to her toys, lap space, or requests for playtime? It’s obvious that there are certain things our feline companions hold in high regard. There are definitely a number of things that they simply don’t seem to care about. A local Pooler, GA vet shares a few of those in this article.

Your Furniture

Cats really know how to find the coziest spots to settle in. Fluffy may love to lounge on the back of your sofa or plop herself right in the middle of the room for a good grooming session. She’s also not hesitant to use your couch or chair for doing her nails. 

The good news is, your cat isn’t out to ruin your belongings on purpose; she’s simply following her natural instincts to keep her claws in top shape. Cats depend on their nails for survival out in the wild. Fluffy uses her paw daggers as her primary means of defense. They let her scale heights for shelter and safety, hunt for her dinner, and leave little kitty graffiti on tree trunks. 

Your Schedule 

Have you ever been jolted awake by a hungry cat? Your furry overlord simply won’t stand for a late breakfast. Sometimes, she has a habit of waking her humans in the middle of the night by pouncing on their toes. 

If your pet gets a bit too lively and playful when you’re trying to rest, consider playing with her a bit before you hit the hay. After a lively play session, Fluffy is likely to feel a bit worn out and all set for another nap. Will she make it through the night? Maybe. But hopefully you’ll at least get a solid few hours before she starts demanding your attention again.

Your Comfort 

Isn’t it funny how our pets can somehow claim the whole bed, leaving us with just a tiny sliver on the edge? Unfortunately, your level of comfort is something Fluffy isn’t too concerned about. 

Her Manners 

Fluffy has a way of being incredibly loving and affectionate, and that’s one of the reasons she melts our hearts. She can also be a bit temperamental at times and might unexpectedly bite or scratch without any warning. Or your cat might just choose to ignore you on purpose when you call her. 

Your Plants 

Lots of cats enjoy sniffing and nibbling on green leaves. Fluffy is just the cutest, peeking out from behind the plants and playfully pretending to be a fierce tiger! Honestly, plants can really provide some enrichment for cats. Your kitty will enjoy the stimulation that comes from being able to smell and taste the leaves. They also help to purify the air and add a nice, cozy touch to your home. 

Sadly, Fluffy doesn’t really care about the plants’ well-being. She really has a knack for completely obliterating certain plants, like Spider plants, and she’s also been known to topple them over from time to time. 

Make sure to prioritize safety above all else. Only choose plants that are safe for your furry friend. You can find a great list from the ASPA right here. It’s also important to pay attention to how you arrange your plants. Steer clear of holders that have dangling ropes. That macrame holder might look adorable, but your pet might be tempted to swat at the dangling bits… and could cause the plant to come crashing down on her. It’s best to keep heavier pots at floor level. 

The Dog 

Fido and Fluffy have experienced quite a tumultuous relationship over the years, filled with numerous highs and lows throughout their journey. In certain households, they’ve really formed a strong bond. It’s heartwarming to watch a sweet, patient dog allowing a kitten to pounce on his tail or curl up for a nap on his back! 

Sometimes, things can get a little bumpy, however. While it’s often the dog that takes on the role of aggressor, there are plenty of times when the cat can be the real bully! Some kitties don’t hesitate to steal the dog’s beds, give their nose a playful swat, or even give them a little smack in the face. If your cat and dog have a bit of a love-hate relationship, it’s best to keep an eye on them when they’re spending time together.

Your Career 

Even though many aspects of life have gone back to how they were before the pandemic, it seems that video conferencing is here to stay. While we can’t pinpoint the exact number of our feline patients who have interrupted their owners’ Zoom calls or walked across their laptops, it’s fair to assume that it’s definitely not zero. 

That being said, kitties occasionally lend a helping paw to their owners while they’re working. If you work from home, you might notice that your kitty can be quite the co-worker, even if she occasionally decides to take a nap right on your keyboard. We suggest setting a fairly short screen lock time, like 15 seconds. That will help ensure that when you step away, you won’t return to find your pet has caused some chaos with whatever you were working on. 

Going to See Their Pooler, GA Veterinarian 

It seems that a lot of our feline friends aren’t exactly excited about visiting us. We totally get it. A significant aspect of this is, in fact, the car ride. Our canine patients usually enjoy a good car ride, but cats tend to be more comfortable in their own little realms. Interestingly, a lot of cats tend to feel more stressed during the ride to the clinic than they do about the actual appointment.

We strive to ensure that all of our patients have a smooth, stress-free experience, making visits as quick, easy, and comfortable as we can for everyone involved. We’ve tried to explain to Fluffy that getting the right veterinary care will help her be healthier and, in the end, happier, but it just hasn’t clicked. 

Your pet’s veterinary care will evolve as they age, so it’s important to stick to your Pooler, GA vet’s advice. We suggest that every cat should be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and current on their vaccinations, check-ups, and parasite prevention. While you’re waiting for your next visit, be sure to watch for any signs of illness. If you notice anything that seems off, be sure to reach out to your Pooler, GA vet. 

The Laws of Physics 

Cats are truly remarkable for a variety of reasons. Not only are they incredibly cute and charming, but they’re also downright hilarious. Kitties are so entertaining, and one reason for that is their impressive ability to jump, bend, and twist in the most amusing ways. Fluffy really knows how to show off those acrobatics! 

Cats are quite bendy, and that’s largely due to their unique skeletal structure. For one, they have very small clavicles. They have more space between their vertebrae compared to most other mammals, which gives their spines greater freedom of movement. Additionally, their shoulder blades aren’t connected by bone; instead, they’re linked by muscle. 

On another note, we can’t help but raise an eyebrow at some of their bold gymnastics! It’s interesting how these little balls of fur can curl up and sleep in positions that we typically think of as knots. 

Wildlife in the Area 

Kitties are famous for their impressive hunting skills. We actually became friends with them because of how good they are at catching rodents and other pests. But Fluffy doesn’t only hunt to catch her dinner. She really thinks it’s fun. 

It’s definitely adorable to witness the pride on your pet’s face when she presents you with a dead mouse, but it’s also understandable to feel a little apprehension. It seems that our cute cat companions are actually charming little serial killers. Every year, housecats are responsible for the deaths of billions of small animals! 

With so many species facing threats or endangerment, it’s certainly a cause for concern. We suggest keeping your furry little murderess safe and sound indoors, providing her with catnip mice to hunt instead of the real ones. 

Schedule an Appointment at Our Pooler, GA Animal Clinic 

Is it time for your cat’s check-up? Are you on the hunt for a fantastic veterinarian in Pooler, GA? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! As a trusted partner, we’re committed to providing the purrfect care to your feline friend.

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