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Guinea Pig Care Tips 

February 15, 2025

Are you considering adopting a Guinea pig? These charming little pets are more popular than many people realize. In fact, the Guinea pig—or cavey, as they are also known—are actually the third most popular pet in many places. That really isn’t surprising once you think about all of the charming attributes these guys have. They’re cute, clean, fun, friendly, and pretty easy to care for. A local vet offers some insight on this below in this article from Westside Animal Hospital, your Pooler, GA veterinary clinic.

Is A Guinea Pig Hard To Take Care Of?

Guinea pigs are pretty easy keepers, but they do need a decent amount of TLC. While you won’t need to walk or train your pet, you will need to provide fresh food and water every day. You’ll also need to make sure that your furry pal has a comfy habitat and lots of toys. Beyond that, keep an eye out for signs of illness or injury. Overall though, these little pets are quite easy to care for.

What Sort Of Habitat Do Guinea Pigs Need?

Because your cavy will spend so much time in his cage, making sure that it is clean and comfy is crucial. 

  • Size: As far as size goes, it depends on how many cavies you have. For one, you would need a cage that is at least 7.5 square feet. Of course, but bigger is always better. If you have more cavies, they will need more cage space.
  • Material: Material is also important. Don’t get a cage with a wire or mesh floor. These will not hold substrate, and can also cause paw and tail injuries.
  • Substrate: For substrate, we would suggest using aspen or paper-based materials. You can also go with a fleece blanket. DOn’t use substrates that are made from pine or cedar, as these can be toxic to small animals. 
  • Accessories: No home is complete without furnishings. You’ll want to start by getting your furry friends a good hide. Everyone needs a quiet place to go when they want peace and quiet, and Guinea pigs are no exception. You can have some fun with this. Look into getting cute pieces. A pretty box, a little igloo, or a pet tent can all be great options. 

Aside from that, you’ll need to provide a water bottle, dishes, and toys. A litterbox is optional, but may be very convenient. 

What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pig diets aren’t complicated, but you will need to know the do’s and don’ts. Let’s start with the basics. Your tiny furball should always have grass hay, such as Timothy hay. They need the fiber both for their teeth and their overall health. 

Caveys can also have pellets for their main meals. Ask your vet for specific advice about portion sizes and serving times. 

Finally, we have produce. You’ll need to round out your furry friend’s diet with fresh, safe, fruits and veggies. This is where things may get a bit tricky. 

Here are a few safe options: 


  •  Dandelion Leaves
  • Chickweed
  • Romaine Lettuce 
  • Carrots,
  • Green Peppers
  • Zucchini 
  • Safe On Occasion:
  • Pumpkin
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce

Some things are only safe once in a while. Too much broccoli, for instance, can make your pet a bit gassy.

Here are a few things on that list:  

  • Cucumbers
  • Swiss Chard
  • Collard Greens
  • Mustard Greens
  • Radishes
  • Spinach  


  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapples
  • Melons
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Mandarins
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries 

With fruits and veggies, always remove seeds, pips, and thick rinds. You should also wash or rinse produce thoroughly. Never give your pet anything without first researching it to be sure it is safe. Ask your vet for specific advice. 


Guinea pigs can also enjoy some fresh herbs. Just be sure to choose organic ones if possible. Also, wash them thoroughly. 

Here are a few options:

  • Cilantro 
  • Thyme 
  • Parsley 
  • Oregano
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint 

What Foods Should I Avoid Giving A Guinea Pig? 

It’s also important to know what isn’t safe. Some may only cause a mild tummy upset, but others can have very serious effects! Some of the foods to avoid include chocolate; caffeine; potato and tomato plant leaves; garlic, onion, scallions, and chives; alcohol; and fried or sugary foods. Your vet can give you specific advice.

Why Do Guinea Pigs Need Vitamin C?

One thing that is crucial to understand about Guinea pig diets is the fact that these guys absolutely must have Vitamin C. Otherwise, they may get very sick. Your vet may recommend offering chewables. You can also be sure to include some of this vitamin in their meals. Some good sources are carrots, Romaine lettuce, and sweet green or yellow peppers. Ask your vet for specific recommendations, including portion sizes and foods to avoid.

If you’d like more suggestions about good fruits and veggies to feed your Guinea pig, or a recommendation on the proper pellet food, give your vet’s office a call.

What Kind Of Toys Do Guinea Pigs Need? 

Guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth, which will never stop growing. In the wild, they would be able to wear those choppers down on roots and tough plants. For pets, they will have to make do with whatever is around. Be sure to provide lots of chew toys. This is crucial to your pet’s health and happiness. If your pet can’t chew to wear their teeth down, they’ll be at risk of developing some very painful dental issues.

The good news is that you don’t have to go bust getting pet toys. There are lots of common household items that will do just fine! Many paper, cardboard, and wicker items can make great Guinea pig toys. You can also offer some simple wood items, such as children’s blocks. There’s almost no end to the adorable ideas you’ll find online. Just put your pet’s safety first. Avoid anything small or sharp. Items that have dangling ropes or cords are also unsafe.  

There are a few ‘cavy-eats’ here, though. Only use woods you know are safe, such as apples. You might need to do some research on this, as many trees and plants are toxic to pets. Finally, be careful to wash and disinfect the branch before you hand it over. Otherwise, you could inadvertently be exposing your pet to illness or disease. 

Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe toys.

What Are Other Entertainment Options? 

Chew toys aren’t the only game in town. Caveys are really fun pets. They often like playing with their humans,  and can even learn some adorable tricks! Mazes are very popular with small pets, and are easy to make out of cardboard boxes, PVC pipe, or paper mache. Just make sure to only use safe materials.

Should I cover my guinea pig’s cage at night?

This is not only unnecessary, it may actually cause issues. That cage cover is going to restrict air flow. As a result, the cage could quickly get humid and stagnant. This could lead to respiratory issues and can even cause breeding problems. We do have a simple solution; only cover one if your Savannah, GA vet recommends it. 

Keeping Cavies Happy

Last but not least, we want to help you earn some heels, which are super cute Guinea pig noises. One thing that will make your pet happier? A roommate. These guys get very lonely alone.  We recommend getting at least two. 

Make An Appointment At Our Pet Hospital!

Do you have questions about Guinea Pig Care? Please feel free to contact Westside Animal Hospital, your Pooler, GA veterinary clinic. Today. We are happy to serve all of your pet’s veterinary care needs.

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