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Purrfect Ways To Celebrate National Pet Day 

April 1, 2024

The eleventh of April is National Pet Day. Unlike most pet holidays, which tend to focus on particular breeds or issues, this one is simply a moment to honor our furry friends and the joy they bring into our lives. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, your  Savannah, GA animal clinic, a local vet offers a list of “pawesome” ways to commemorate this auspicious occasion.

Offer A Special Snack

 Now is the perfect opportunity to spoil your furry best friend with a special treat. Sure, store-bought goodies are perfectly OK. You could also make your own!

Fido may like some PB&B Bites. Incorporate peanut butter into a mixture of ripe bananas. Before you give your dog peanut butter, read the label to make sure it doesn’t contain xylitol, which is often known as birch sugar, as it’s poisonous to dogs. Blend everything together, and then serve in individual serving bowls. For this, a bone mold can be useful. Or, if you’re really ambitious, invest in a dog treat maker.  This is like a panini press or waffle maker, but the mold you pour the batter into is bone-shaped.

Fluffy, of course, must not be overlooked. Your feline overlord will probably enjoy some purrfect Tuna Yums. Add some parsley and plain Greek nonfat yogurt to a can of tuna or chicken. You can also use canned salmon or mackerel. Divide into bite-sized pieces and bake at 375 degrees until crunchy. (Tip: You can separate these out using a bottle cap.)

This is by no means an exhaustive list. You can also experiment. Just stick to safe ingredients. Meat, fish, or chicken that has been chopped, canned, cooked, or minced; egg; fat-free yogurt; and/or sodium broth are all good choices. Safe vegetables such as spinach or peas can also be included.

It’s also important to know what not to use. Many popular foods are toxic to Fido and Fluffy!  Do not feed your pet garlic, onions, scallions, or chives; grapes, currants, or raisins; alcohol; caffeine; chocolate; avocado; nuts; mushrooms; meat on the bone; or anything containing xylitol. To find out more, consult your Savannah, GA veterinarian.

Craft an Original Toy for Your Furry Friend

This is an excellent choice for those who enjoy creating, have children, or both. There are plenty of amazing DIY project ideas.

Sewing catnip mice for Fluffy is a great way to keep your feline overlord purring. Catnip is available for purchase or cultivation. Cut two pieces of cloth into the same shape and size. It doesn’t need to be a mouse. Put them together, outsides facing in. Sew them together, but leave a hole. When you’re finished, use that opening to pull the cloth through, so it’s not inside out anymore. Next, fill it with catnip using a little funnel. And that’s it! Just sew the top shut and toss it to Fluffy. (She’ll probably just push it under the couch, but that’s only to be expected.)

You might consider making your canine companion a rope toy. Simply cut an old shirt or pillowcase into small strips. Put those strips in a braid, and repeat twice. Next, braid the three braids together. Keep going until it’s the thickness you want, and then tie the ends into a knot. That is the basic version. If you want to be creative, add tennis balls or dried sweet potato jerky slices.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. You can find a lot more choices online! Beds, fortresses made of boxes, and puzzle toys…there’s almost no end to the options. The big thing is to always use safe items. For more precise guidance, consult your veterinarian.

Enjoy a Leisurely Walk

This is more commonly associated with dogs. However, if your feline friend knows how to walk on a leash, by all means, indulge her.

Many of our canine friends enjoy discovering new locations. Fido can gather up a lot of information with his adorable sniffer. Experiencing (and smelling) new places and things can provide him with both intellectual stimulation and enrichment, two things that are critical to his overall health and well-being. The exercise and time spent with you are also great for him.

One option is to use an app to find a new place to hang out. BringFido stands out as a solid option, but there are lots of others.

Make Some Fresh Digs for Your Pet

Regardless of whether your home is large or small, there are always ways to improve your pet’s quality of life. Even tiny changes can have a significant impact.

We always recommend keeping cats indoors. Why not construct a catio for your feline companion? You can use an enclosed patio, spare bedroom, or even just a sunny area. All you really need are some plants that are safe for cats and a cat tower. Adding a bird feeder will get you some additional purrs. Your kitty may spend hours basking in the sun, watching the wildlife and fantasizing about hunting!

Do you have a yard where Fido can chase squirrels? Give it a pupgrade! An excellent choice would be a doghouse. Although our four-legged friends should always reside indoors with us, they do deserve and cherish having their own little “digs” to look cute in.

Providing your canine friend with access to a sandbox is yet another possibility. (Terrier puppies and other dogs with a penchant for digging often love these.) If your pet enjoys swimming, consider a kiddie pool or a pet fountain.

Take Some Super Cute Pictures

 These days, it is easier than ever to get amazing photographs. Amazing photographs can be captured with the average smartphone camera!

A couple of pointers:

  • Download a pet camera app. These frequently come with features like squeakers that captivate pets, causing them to look at the camera.
  • Take a look at your phone’s settings. An action shot of Fido chasing a stick requires a quick shutter speed. (Hint: YouTube is a treasure trove of tips.)  
  • Choose a background that highlights your pet’s fur. Proper exposure relies heavily on contrast. Or, you can go for the opposite effect and purposefully aim for a camouflage photo, though. This is one area where black cats really shine. Photos of void kitties, where you can only see their eyes, are really adorable!
  • Shoot at dawn or dusk for the optimum light.

Devote Quality Time to Your Furry Friend

All pets actually want is to spend time with their beloved people. Make sure to set aside some additional time for your four-legged friend on this special day. 

Play sessions would not be inappropriate. Playing is great for pets’ mental and physical health, and will help keep your pet fit and entertained. Plus, it’s great for bonding!

Extra snuggle time will also fit the bill. Purrs and tail wags are two of life’s most precious gifts, as far as we are concerned.

Schedule a Visit to Your Savannah, GA Veterinarian

Veterinarian care is crucial! Remember to maintain those vet appointments. Let this post serve as a friendly reminder to schedule an appointment at our animal clinic today if your pet hasn’t been here in a while. Contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA pet hospital, anytime!

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