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Defeating Litterbox Odor

September 1, 2018
Cats are wonderful pets. They’re cute, clean, full of personality, and super cuddly. However, Fluffy’s powder room won’t do much for your décor. It can also get, well, rather stinky. We can help! In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a local Savannah, GA vet offers tips on beating litterbox smells.


Keep Fluffy’s powder room clean by cleaning it regularly. We recommend scooping daily and changing the litter every week or so. Feel free to experiment with litterboxes that make this easier, such as stackable models.


At the end of the day, some litters do work better than others at absorbing odors. Just keep your kitty’s opinion in mind: some of our feline pals are quite picky about litter, and will prefer certain brands over others. Also, if you have a kitten, avoid clay and clumping litters for now: they aren’t safe for baby cats.


There now many different deodorizing products that fight foul odors. Powders, sprays, and liners can all help beat litterbox stink. Sprinkling baking soda in your kitty’s bathroom can also be effective.


Plants help filter the air, and can help keep your home smelling fresh. Put a few plants near your pet’s powder room. Some good options are Boston ferns and Spider plants. You’ll find more pet-safe plants online at the ASPCA website here.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are made to beat back bad smells, but some work better than others do. Look for products that break down scent molecules. Ones that just mask them with perfumes won’t be as efficient. Consider setting an air freshener on a timer near Fluffy’s powder room.


Be sure to put your cat’s litterbox in an area with good ventilation. If you put your furry buddy’s litterbox in a spare bathroom or a laundry room, keep a fan or air purifier running in that room.

Air Filters

Change your air filters regularly. This will also help remove dust and dander from your home.


What goes into your cat will definitely affect what comes out of your cat. While Fluffy’s litterbox will never smell like roses, if her waste is extremely foul smelling, it could be an indication of poor nutrition and/or medical problems. Ask your vet for more information. As your Savannah, GA vet clinic, we are dedicated to providing great care. Please contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital anytime!

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