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5 Ways to Monitor Your Cat’s Health

September 15, 2018
Our feline buddies can’t talk, but they communicate very clearly when they want to let us know they are hungry, annoyed, or want attention. Fluffy also isn’t shy about speaking her mind about baths and car rides! However, your cat can’t tell you if she isn’t feeling well. In fact, Fluffy may deliberately try to mask symptoms of illness. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye out for warning signs. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet lists some ways to monitor Fluffy’s health.

Visit The Vet

First things first: keep up with your cat’s veterinary appointments. Regular exams are very important! They greatly increase the chances of any illness being caught—and therefore treated—early, which is always beneficial. Follow your vet’s recommended appointment schedule.

Stick To A Feeding Schedule

Giving your cat food and water at the same time each day can also help you keep track of her health. If you notice a sudden increase or decrease in Fluffy’s food or water intake, there could be something going on with your feline friend.

Weigh Your Kitty

A sudden increase or decrease in a cat’s weight is often a red flag. With cats, even the gain or loss of a pound or two can be significant. Weigh your kitty weekly. You may not have much luck getting Fluffy to sit on the scale, so you may want to weigh yourself first, then pick up your furball and weigh yourself again.

Regular Brushings

Brushing is beneficial to kitties in several ways. It helps remove dead fur and dander from their coats, is good for circulation, and can help prevent hairballs. If you brush your feline pal regularly, it will be easier for you to spot things like lumps, bumps, lesions, cuts, and skin problems. This is also a great way to spend time with Fluffy, and make her feel pampered!

Watch For Symptoms

As noted above, cats don’t always let on when they are ill. Watch for symptoms of illness. Some common ones are hiding, vomiting, diarrhea, unkempt fur, respiratory issues, lethargy, and litterbox woes. You may also notice behavioral changes, such as uncharacteristic vocalizations. Call your vet immediately if you see any of these warning signs. Please call Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA vet clinic, for all your kitty’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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