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Decorating Tips For People With Frisky Cats

December 1, 2022
The holidays are upon us, and seasonal decorations are popping up everywhere. Whether you’re a minimalist that just puts a few things up, or an enthusiastic holiday-lover that hangs so many lights pilots can probably spot your place as they fly over, it’s important to keep your feline buddy’s safety in mind. A vet offers some decorating tips for people with mischievous kitties in this article from Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA animal clinic.


Anything small or sharp should be considered a hazard, as are items with strings or threads. That list includes ornaments, ornament hooks, ribbon, tinsel, and small figurines, such as manger pieces. Keep these things out of paws’ reach!

Be Cautious With Candles

Candles and pets are a very dangerous mix. Keep candles in spots Fluffy can’t reach, and use thick holders, so the flame is well protected. We also recommend using a thick grate before fireplaces, so your furry buddy can’t get too close.

Catproof The Tree

We all have our own favorite holiday traditions. Fluffy’s definitely would be wreaking havoc on trees! Avoid hanging a bunch of ornaments on the lower branches. That’s just asking for trouble! Put only a few unbreakable items on the lower part of the tree. Most of the decorations should go on the top two-thirds. Choosing the right spot will also help. If you put the tree next to a sofa, you’ve just offered your frisky furball a convenient kitty launchpad. A corner is usually a good bet If Fluffy is extremely mischievous, secure the treetop to the wall or ceiling with fishing line.

Go Artificial

Real trees are beautiful, but they do pose a few additional risks to kitties. The needles are quite sharp, and are definitely not safe to eat. Your feline pal may also try to drink the water, which may contain traces of things like pesticides and herbicides. Consider an artificial tree. (Bonus: fake trees are also harder for Fluffy to scale.)

Choose Pet-Safe Plants

Many seasonal plants, such as holly, ivy, mistletoe, and poinsettias, are dangerous to Fluffy. Even plants that normally would be safe can be dangerous if they have been treated with preservatives or pesticides, or have small decorations in them. Check the ASPCA site here for more info. Happy Holidays from Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA animal clinic. Please contact us anytime!

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