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Senior Kitty Care

May 15, 2024

Have you observed your cat’s activity level decreasing recently? Cats have been cute and sweet throughout their entire lives, but they somehow manage to grow even more adorable as they age. As your furry friend enters her golden years, she will need more attention. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a local Pooler, GA vet offers some tips on caring for an aging furball. 

How Do I Make Fluffy Comfortable?

Kitties are quite easy to care for, and it does not take much to make them happy. Your cat will never get tired of her cute box obsession, and she’ll still love lying in the sun.

Small things can make a big difference! Here are some more things that will make your furry pal purr:


Your cat might find it hard to get in and out of a litter box with high walls. Get one that’s made just for seniors. Also, we suggest putting a litterbox on every floor of your house. Also, you might want to try out different litters. Some of these can pick up on changes in hormones, which could mean there is a health problem. Ask your Pooler, GA veterinarian for specific recommendations.

Night Lights

Like people, cats can have trouble seeing as they get older. Fluffy might have problems getting around in the dark at night. Set out some little nightlights for her.

Kitty Ramps

Your feline friend will not be able to climb or jump as high as she used to. Along with that, she may become less coordinated, which would make her more likely to trip and fall. Set up pet stairs or ramps so she can get to her favorite spots on couches and beds. Some of the available alternatives include chests and footstools. Put a folded blanket on them to make them look nice.

Live Entertainment 

Cats are always safer when they stay inside. Of course, our animal friends need to be entertained and stimulated. Feline friends like to spend their free time watching birds. You may find Fluffy sleeping, sunbathing, and watching birds and mice for hours on end. Give your animal friend a nice, warm seat by the window. Make it easy for her to get to! A storage bench or ottoman can be a smart way to solve the problem. Cover it with a pretty blanket that goes with your room’s style.

Napping Spots

Older cats can sleep for up to twenty hours a day. Fluffy had to practice for years to be able to sleep that much. Make sure your furball has lots of comfy places to sleep and beds to choose from. (You also count as a napping spot, particularly if your feline pal is a lap cat.) 

When Do Cats Get Old?

The American Association of Feline Practitioners says Fluffy officially becomes a furry retiree at ten. Other sources, though, say that age is nine. Some people even think that cats are senior when they’re seven years old. There is a rationale for these differences. A seven-year-old cat is a lot like a person who is 45 years old. That’s around the threshold of middle age for people.

Some people are confused by the difference between cat years and human years. You may have heard that one year of human life is equivalent to seven years of cat life. That’s not quite right. For instance, Fluffy’s first year is about 10–12 human years. A two-year-old kitty is roughly equivalent to a twenty-four-year-old human being. There isn’t quite as much of a leap at three and up, though.

Having said that, Fluffy is definitely a senior by the time she is 11 or so. A cat that is 15 years old is considered geriatric. Therefore, even though your eleven-year-old cat might still act like a kitten, she would benefit from additional attention and possibly more regular veterinarian appointments at that age.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Health Problems For Older Cats?

Kitties in their golden years are more likely to acquire certain health problems. Some examples are cancer, diabetes, arthritis, hyperactivity, problems with the eyes or teeth, and diabetes.

In the time between doctor visits, look for any signs that your pet might be sick. Keep in mind that cats are naturally shy about this. Fluffy might try to hide how sick she is until she really gets sick!

Warning signs include the following: 

  • Respiratory Issues
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Stumbling
  • Withdrawal
  • Uncharacteristic Behavior Or Vocalizations
  • Discharge
  • Changes In Appetite
  • Increased/Decreased Thirst
  • Increased/Decreased Urination
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Limping
  • Lesions, Lumps, Bumps
  • Skin Irritation
  • Hair Loss
  • Appetite changes
  • Increased Or Decreased Thirst/Urination

Cats with messy fur are often thought to be sick. However, it is normal for older cats to look a little disheveled because they often have trouble cleaning themselves. Older cats may be stiff and sore, which makes it hard for them to bend and stretch. Furthermore, their skin produces a lot of oil.

If you notice anything odd, contact your veterinary hospital right away.

Do Older Cats Need A Lot Of Care?

Fluffy will mostly need the same things as any other cat: good food, clean water, and a clean litter box, and, of course, regular visits to the vet. A kitty with health issues may need some more specific care. However, for the most part, these are the basics:

Nutrition is very important. You can ask your vet if you want to know when to switch your pet to a senior formula food. Fluffy might also need to eat more or less, switch from kibble to canned food, or the other way around. Pay attention to portion sizes; you don’t want your feline companion getting chubby!

make sure that Fluffy has access to clean water at all times, and start keeping an eye on how much water she drinks. One way to do this is to always fill her bowls at the same time. if your house is big or has more than one floor, add extra water stations, especially in the summer.

Cats need a clean litterbox. Make sure your furball can reach it easily. If you have more than one floor, put one on every floor, so Fluffy won’t need to use the stairs as much.

Then there’s veterinary care. As she gets older, your kitty may need to come in more often. Ask your Pooler, GA vet to recommend an appointment schedule. 

How Do I Keep My Senior Kitty Content?

Just like kittens, senior cats require fun and excitement! Playing is very important here. She might not be as wild as she used to be, but your cat friend will still love showing off her lion side occasionally. This will also help your kitty stay physically fit. Plus, it’s good for her brain! Like people, feline seniors can lose some of their mental capacity as they get older. In this case, playing might also help. Kittens need to keep their eyes on that small red dot in order to land their jumps properly. Leaving the radio on can provide stimulation and enrichment.

Other than that, just pay extra attention to your furry friend. Play with her, talk to her, and let her snuggle up on your lap. Last but not least, make sure Fluffy knows you love and care for her. At least in our book, senior cats’ purrs are very special.

Schedule An Appointment At Your Pooler, GA Veterinary Clinic

Do you want to know more about how to take care of older cats? Contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Pooler, GA pet hospital, anytime.  We are always happy to help!

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