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Keeping Your Pet Safe on the Fourth

July 1, 2018
As the Fourth of July approaches, many of us are anticipating enjoying some delicious barbequed food, and spending some time with friends and family members. Fido and Fluffy are also part of the family! This can be a dangerous holiday for these guys, however, so you’ll want to take steps to keep your furry pal safe. In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet discusses Fourth of July pet safety.


Sadly, reports of missing pets often spike around this summer holiday. Many of our animal companions—especially dogs—are terrified of fireworks. Even the most loving and loyal pet can bolt if they get scared! Keep pets indoors as much as possible. If Fido is very nervous, put him in a quiet back room with bedding, toys, and treats, and turn a TV or radio on to mask the noise. It may also help to tire him out with a fun play session before the fireworks start.


Barbeques are a big part of the summer holiday. Just be very careful what you offer your pet! Many popular foods are toxic to our furry pals. Some of the things on the no-no list include garlic, onions, scallions, and chives; nuts; chocolate; raw meat, dough, or yeast; alcohol; grapes, currants, and raisins; meat on the bone; pitted fruits, especially avocados; and anything containing xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.


Many holiday trappings are dangerous to our four-legged friends. Trash is one concern: it may contain bones, skewers, tin foil, fat trimmings, and other hazards. Other possible dangers include grills and campfires; chemicals, such as pesticides and lighter fluid; and insects.


July is one of the hottest months of the year. Make sure your pet always has plenty of water, as well as access to cool, shady areas. Keep an eye out for signs of heat exhaustion. Some common ones are panting, trembling, sunken eyes, pale gums, vomiting, diarrhea, dark urine, and lethargy. Fido may also have a warm back or a dry nose, while Fido may over-groom herself, meow in an unusual way, and/or have sweaty paws. If you see any of these signs, immediately give your furry pal water, take steps to cool them off, and call your vet. Happy Fourth of July! Call us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA pet clinic, anytime.

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