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Dogust: Celebrating Shelter Dog Birthdays

August 1, 2019
August 1st is a special day for many of our canine pals: it’s Dogust, the universal shelter dog birthday! We are always thrilled to see dogs getting second chances! Since most shelter dogs have unknown birthdays, this is a great way to honor them, and get their tails wagging. A Savannah, GA vet discusses shelter dogs—and why they deserve to be celebrated—in this article from Westside Animal Hospital.

The Charms of Shelter Dogs

Did you know that shelter dogs often make the best pets? Many people who have adopted dogs from shelters report that their furry pals are extremely loving, loyal, and affectionate. It’s no surprise that shelter pups often absolutely adore their saviors. Fido is smart enough to know when someone has helped him. Giving that one lucky pooch a new lease on life is a great way to find your pet. It’s also very rewarding, and something you can feel great about.

Celebrating Fido’s Birthday

Was your furry friend a shelter pup? If so, this is a great time to show Fido some extra TLC, and get that cute tail wagging. New toys are always a great treat for dogs. You can get your pooch a classic doggy toy, like a tennis ball or rope toy. Or, try something more modern, like a mechanical ball launcher. Another way to make your canine buddy’s day is by getting him a sandbox or kiddie pool to play in. Treats, of course, are also a must. Fido can have plain, boneless meat, fish, or chicken, without the skin, bones, or fat. You can also offer your pooch some doggy ice cream. If you want to go all-out, buy or make Fido a doggy birthday cake. A new bed is another great gift idea. Don’t forget to snap some adorable pics of your pet’s birthday celebration!

Helping Shelter Dogs

Even if you didn’t get your pooch from a shelter, you can still take part in this special day. Help the word about Dogust on social media. You can also donate money or supplies to a local shelter. If you’re ready for a bigger commitment, consider volunteering or even fostering. Of course, the best way to help shelter dogs is to adopt one! Please reach out to Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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