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Brushing Your Cat’s Teeth

May 1, 2020
Did you know that dental problems are very common in our feline pals? Just like people, kitties can suffer from painful dental issues, such as abscesses, infections, and cracked or broken teeth. Feline stomatitis and tooth resorption are also common issues. Brushing Fluffy’s teeth is really the best thing you can do to prevent these issues. But how do you do that without ending up scratched and bleeding? In this article from Westside Animal Hospital, a Savannah, GA vet offers some tips on keeping your furry friend’s choppers clean … without ending up in the ER.

Getting Started

If you just try to stick a toothbrush in your kitty’s mouth without warning, Fluffy may very well scratch you and race for her favorite hiding spot. You’ll need to convince your feline buddy to accept the toothbrush. First, choose a time when your pet is feeling relaxed and cuddly. If your furball is a lap cat, wait until Fluffy is curled up on you. Start by gently rubbing your cat’s teeth and gums. Alternate this with just petting her and rubbing her cheeks and forehead. Remember to talk to her gently. To sweeten the deal a bit, offer her praise and perhaps a yummy treat. Keep doing this until your furry buddy has gotten used to having her teeth and gums touched. You want your kitty to realize that she is being pampered, not punished.

Moving On

The next step is to incorporate pet toothpaste. Choose a yummy flavor, to make this more fun for Fluffy. You can use a finger toothbrush, or just wrap your finger in gauze. When your cat decides that she has had enough, don’t force her. Just let her go, and try again another day. Those little claws are sharp!

Other Options

If your feline companion isn’t having it, you probably won’t have much luck forcing her. Ask your vet about other options instead. Dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews can be beneficial, as can dental flakes and oral rinses. It’s also important to make sure your furry little friend always has fresh water. Many kitties actually prefer to drink running water. You may want to get Fluffy a pet fountain. We also recommend having your furball’s choppers checked at least once a year. Please contact us here at Westside Animal Hospital, your Savannah, GA, vet clinic, anytime. We are happy to help!

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